Monday, October 13, 2008

Rock Bound Coming November 6 from Red Rose Publishing

Wow, it seems like forever since I’ve blogged. So much has happened. Rock Bound is due out in a matter of weeks, and I’ve been working on a sequel, Rock Crazy. I’ve been editing for Red Rose Publishing, I’ve been telling fortunes (don’t ask) to raise money for promotion, I’ve been traveling and having problems with my left eye.

I really think it’s interesting that Rock Bound is due out the week of the elections. Hopefully, we’ll have a new Administration in place—a legitimate Administration, duly elected by the people of this country and committed to upholding the Constitution as it is written, not just the parts they like. Maybe we’ll be looking at a future in which writ of habeas corpus means something, and freedom of speech is truly freedom. (Hi, NSA!)

At any rate, for those of you who do not follow romance site chats, here is a taste of what’s coming:

Rock Bound – Blurb:

When the US Constitution is abolished and Congress is disbanded, Annie Peterson and Jake Johnsrud are among the thousands of people who descend upon the Mall in Washington, DC, to protest. In a massacre reminiscent of Tiananmen Square, many of the protesters are killed by US troops. The able-bodied survivors are conscripted into indentured servitude by the Luna Mining Corporation—a company owned by the President. Annie and Jake struggle to adjust to life on the Moon—Jake as a miner, and Annie as a doxy to "service" the men. Jake fights increasing feelings of anger and jealousy as Annie struggles to perform her job, while she resists her increasing attraction to him. Along with their fellow inmates, they fight to survive on the lunar "rock" that is their prison.

I hope you’ll check out my website,, and be ready to buy my book on November 6th!

1 comment:

  1. Hey you, let's talk about promoing you on my sites. I have three blogs, and a website where I host interviews. go here: for a start. Let me know... hugs!kim
