I'd like to welcome Maxwell Bretherton of Love & Mayhem
by Luanna Stewart. This will be the last post on this blog for the foreseeable future, as I am retiring.
RW: What’s your story/back story? Why would someone come up with a
story about YOU?
MB: Good afternoon, allow me to introduce myself. Maxwell Bretherton,
at your service. I believe I’ve led a somewhat exciting life to this point. It’s
not every young man who sails from England to Canada to stake his claim only to
be taken prisoner by a band of cutthroats and scoundrels and forced into a life
of piracy on the high seas. Nor is every prisoner lucky enough to survive,
purchase his freedom, and amass a small fortune.
RW: What problems do you have to face and overcome in your life?
MB: I just want to settle my parents’ meagre estate and return to my
home on the island of Jamaica. I have no desire to remain in London longer than
necessary—it’s too blasted cold, for one thing. I wish to be done with my past.
My childhood was not the happiest. Oh, I was fed and clothed and sent to a good
school, but I received little affection. My fondest memories are of the days
spent with my friend, Oswald, and his family on their sheep farm. In fact, I’d
been affianced to his young sister, Sybil, before I was kidnapped.
RW: Do you expect your heroine to help or is she the problem?
MB: Sybil is quickly becoming a thorn in my side. I’d thought her a
pretty enough young lady when I last saw her and now she’s grown into quite a
beauty. She’s also grown into a stubborn, headstrong, outspoken—woman—who seems
to think she can get what she wants, regardless of society’s rules. This is
1883, not the time of the debauched Romans. A young lady cannot merely take a
lover should the mood strike.
RW: How are you coping with the conflict in your
MB: I assure you I am coping quite well. I’ve
explained to Sybil in no uncertain terms what I expect of the woman I’m to
marry—and marry we will, regardless of her assertions to the contrary.
RW: Cherries or Bananas? Leather or lace? Black
or red?
MB: I must say, those are bizarre questions.
Bananas are rather puny and full of seeds. I’ve not eaten cherries in many
years—perhaps I’ll see about importing some when I return to my home. Leather.
I’ve not worn lace since infancy.
you be asking my preference for a lady, then I’d say lace. Black or red what,
exactly? If you are again speaking of attire, you can never go wrong with black.
Though I do have a waistcoat embroidered with red flowers of some sort which
has garnered several compliments.
RW: When I’m alone, I (fill in the blank).
MB: Ah, an easy answer. When I’m alone, I read. I
have a sizable library at my home to which I’m constantly adding volumes. The
climate can be a trial—damp is an enemy to books, as are insects. I most enjoy
the biographies of men, and a few women, who have shaped the world. The great
explorers and their feats of bravery hold me spellbound for hours at a time.
RW: Those are all the questions we have for you.
Thank you for speaking to us.
MB: My pleasure. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a pirate to find.

Luanna writes full time, concentrating on sexy romantic suspense,
steamy paranormal romance, and spicy historical romance.
Born and raised in Nova Scotia, Luanna has recently returned to the land
of her birth with her dear husband and two spoiled cats. When she's not
torturing her heroes and heroines, she’s in her kitchen baking something
Under her previous pen name of Grace Hood she has two novellas published
with The Wild Rose Press.
Love and Mayhem
The Plot:
is happily on the shelf, tending to her sheep. But she fears she’ll depart this
life without experiencing physical love, which she suspects is rather
enjoyable. When her long-lost fiancé returns from sea, she decides he’s the
lucky man who’ll receive her virginity.
Max is
eager to return to his sugar plantation and has no intention of remaining long
in London. However, he didn’t bargain on a wilful, pretty, exasperating
spinster determined to take him to her bed.
insists on marriage but she wants only his body. Her heart is not part of the
deal. Unfortunately, love doesn’t always follow the rules.
“I see
all sorts of advantages to the married state.” He brought her hand to his mouth,
kissing each knuckle in turn before kissing her palm. Then he flicked his
tongue over the inside of her wrist. She bit back a moan. Who knew the wrist
was such a sensitive spot?
forced her mind back to the task at hand. Which, when you came to think of it,
served the other task as well. Namely, getting him to flick his tongue on other
sensitive parts of her body. She took a deep breath. “Some enjoy those
advantages without the bother of a marriage ceremony.”
Buy Links:
Wild Rose Press: https://catalog.thewildrosepress.com/non-american-historical-romance/5180-love-and-mayhem.html
Contact Luanna At:

Author Page: https://amazon.com/author/luanna_stewart